INPI and EPO signed on November 26, 2019 a partnership agreement to improve the examination of patents.
INPI and EPO will cooperate on improving the capacity to search and analyze patent applications by training and discussing best practices, sharing tools and exchanging databases.
The agreement’s activities will be based on the two-year work plan agreed between the two institutions.
Moreover, The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) signed between Brazil and Europe was also renewed. PPH allows the use of the search already made by the other offices in order to exam the patent application. After signing this agreement the patents in Brazil shall be granted faster.
Lawyer Author of the Comment: Laila dos Reis Araujo
Headline: INPI e EPO lançam parceria técnica e estratégica na área de patentes
“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”
“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”