Analysis of the Brazilian Superior Court’s (STJ) decision and the impact of inherited copyright

On 10 September, the 3rd Panel of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) ruled in Special Appeal 2.121.497/RJ, increasing the damages awarded to the Azzas 2154 group – also known as Tiferet Comércio de Roupas Ltda. – for the unauthorised reproduction of extracts from the songs “Do Leme ao Pontal” and “Você e eu, eu e você” by the famous late Brazilian singer Sebastião Rodrigues Maia (Tim Maia). The works, which are protected by copyright until 2069, were reproduced on T-shirts of the Brazilian brand Reserva without the necessary licence for such use.


According to the reporting judge, Marco Aurélio Bellizze, the reproduction of the lyrics on the T-shirts was not merely a reference, but a direct transcription, with minor modifications such as the addition of the symbol “&” and the omission of linking words. This understanding led to an increase in the amount of compensation, which now includes both the amount the company would have paid for the music licence and the total sales of the T-shirts with the lyrics. The R$ 600,000 cap previously requested by the defence was not accepted.


In addition to the violation of the reproduction rights of the musical works, the judgement emphasises an important point regarding the unauthorised use of trademarks associated with artists. Judge Bellizze noted that the association of an artist with a trademark without the artist’s consent can be harmful because it may imply that the artist endorses ideas or values with which he or she does not agree. This association can lead to a significant increase in sales of the brand, which benefits the infringer but does not reflect the artist’s will.


This part of the decision highlights the concern to protect the extra-patrimonial rights of Tim Maia, who died in 1998, and raises an important question: how should we interpret decisions on the copyright of works created by deceased artists? Is it possible to know, after the author’s death, whether he or she would approve or disapprove of the use of his or her work in a particular context, particularly in relation to trademarks created long after his or her death?


This question widens an important debate about the social function of copyright, especially after the author’s death.According to the Berne Convention and Brazilian law, copyright is protected for 70 years after the author’s death.During this period, the author’s heirs can exercise the related patrimonial rights. However, this 70-year exclusivity can raise concerns about the public interest, access to culture and the dissemination of knowledge, as the control of works can sometimes conflict with these objectives.



An example of this is the actions of Stephen Joyce, James Joyce’s grandson, who has banned several public performances of his grandfather’s works, making access to key works such as Ulysses more difficult.Similarly, the estate of J.R.R. Tolkien strictly controls access to the author’s writings, limiting the distribution of his work.These examples show how, in some cases, heirs can restrict access to culture and information, often for financial or ideological reasons, creating barriers to the dissemination of great authors’ legacies.


This debate on the social function of copyright is complex, involving the tension between the rights of heirs and the public right of access to culture and knowledge.


The exercise of inheritance rights by heirs should be carefully considered, taking into account the impact of these decisions on cultural, economic and technological development. It is therefore essential to continue to reflect on the implications of extending the protection of the works of deceased authors, always seeking a balance between private interests and the public interest.


It is worth contacting a lawyer specialised in intellectual property to understand the subject. Peduti Advogados can help you with this.



Author: Marília de Oliveira Fogaça and Cesar Peduti Filho, Peduti Advogados.

Source: Espólio de Tim Maia e Reserva: um olhar sobre a sucessão do direito autoral



“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

Federal Senate approves landmark bill regulating Artificial Intelligence in Brazil

In a symbolic decision, the Federal Senate of Brazil approved on Tuesday, October 10, the bill aiming to establish guidelines for the use and development of artificial intelligence (AI) in Brazil. The text, a result of more than a year and a half of discussions, now proceeds to the House of Representatives for evaluation.


The bill introduces risk-based categories for AI systems and defines specific rules for their use. High-risk technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, biometric identification, and hiring processes, will require stricter supervision and safety standards. Systems with the potential to violate rights, such as autonomous weapons or tools ranking citizens for access to goods and services, will be prohibited.


Companies operating high-risk systems must conduct safety tests and prevent discrimination, while public agencies are required to ensure human oversight in automated decisions.


Another key aspect of the proposal is the protection of copyright. Companies using protected content for AI training will need to compensate creators, considering factors like company size and market impact. However, non-commercial uses by research institutions, libraries, and public archives will be exempt from payment, provided the original works are respected.



The initiative also includes measures to foster technological innovation. Small businesses will benefit from simplified regulations, and researchers will face fewer bureaucratic hurdles when developing new systems. Additionally, the proposal encourages cooperation between AI regulatory bodies and the Ministry of Labor to mitigate workforce impacts.


The Senate’s proposed regulation represents a significant step toward balancing technological innovation, security, and rights in Brazil. The expectation is that the debate will continue in the House, involving various sectors of society and the market.


If you wanna know more about the topic, fell free to contact Peduti Advogados.



Advogado(a) autor(a) do comentário: Enzo Toyoda Coppola e Cesar Peduti Filho, Peduti Advogados




Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.

If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.