Advocates Push for Fair Compensation Legislation for Artists - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Advocates Push for Fair Compensation Legislation for Artists

Brazilian musicians and actors are advocating for a new bill that aims to update the regulations around copyright payments. The proposed legislation would require Big Tech companies to compensate for the use of creative works on social media and streaming platforms.


The primary goal is to enable authors, artists, and producers to negotiate fair remuneration from digital platforms.

Several aspects are under discussion, but the core idea is that if the bill passes in the Brazilian Congress, networks and platforms with more than two million users will have to pay content creators for using their texts, videos, audios, or images. Additionally, digital advertising will be regulated.



The bill also stipulates that rights holders can notify internet providers and demand either payment or the removal of content shared without authorization. That’s a provision strongly supported by artists.


Although the bill was scheduled for a vote, the version presented by the reporting deputy failed to address a key demand: compensation for works that have already been produced and are still being commercially exploited by platforms.


This deadlock has stalled discussions, and there is currently no indication of when the bill will be back on the agenda. On the other hand, producers of audiovisual works are mobilizing to push the legislative process forward.


If you want to know note about the topic, feel free to contact Peduti Advogados.



Author: Enzo Toyoda Coppola, Thaís de Kassia R. Almeida Penteado and Cesar Peduti Filho.




“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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