Brazil reaches 100 Geographical Indications - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Brazil reaches 100 Geographical Indications

On this Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Brazil celebrates the recognition by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office of the 100th Brazilian Geographical Indication, the “Barreado do Litoral do Paraná”.


The first recognition took place exactly 20 years ago, which was the indication of source for wines from Vale dos Vinhedos, a region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


76 of these 100 indications are indications of source and 24 are apellation of origin.



The difference between these institutes is that the indication of source certifies that the region is known and recognized for the production of a product or provision of a service, while the apellation of origin certifies that the product or service has unique characteristics and qualities resulting from natural factors of the region or applied human processes.


35 geographical indications are from the Southeast region, 32 from the South region, 17 from the Northeast region, 12 from the North region and 4 from the Midwest.


64 of them are for agri-food products, 20 for non-agri-food products, 15 for wines and spirits and one for service.


The “Barreado do Litoral do Paraná” is a typical product of the coast of that state, which consists on products made of beef cooked exhaustively in a hermetically sealed pan with manioc flour gum, according to the tradition originating in the Azores, in Portugal.


In case of doubts or interest related to this subject, Peduti Attorneys i sat your disposal to assist you.

Author: Rafael Bruno Jacintho de Almeida, Head of Prosecution, and Carollina Marfará, Associate Lawyer at Peduti Advogados.

Source: With the barreado do Litoral do Paraná, Brazil reaches 100 Geographical Indications

“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”



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