Brazilian PTO (INPI) searches for potential providers of Anteriority Search services for the purpose of examining patent applications - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Brazilian PTO (INPI) searches for potential providers of Anteriority Search services for the purpose of examining patent applications

In its 2021 Action Plan, the Brazilian PTO took as a strategic initiative the pilot project to outsource the anteriorities search, with the justification that this activity, like the model used by the Japanese Patent Office (JPO, for its acronym in English), represents an alternative management tool for controlling the capacity for technical examination of patents, in search of high efficiency in granting rights and maintaining a high level of quality.


The pilot project was carried out as a research project, within the scope of the Industrial Property Development Program (PDPI), and consisted of internally simulating the provision of the search outsourcing service, inspired by the Japanese model, with application and testing according to the proposed procedures for execution, monitoring, evaluation and use of the simulated service.


Therefore, the Brazilian PTO began to research potential companies that provide a anteriority Search service for the purpose of examining patent applications. 


Brazilian PTO (INPI) searches for potential providers


Companies that express interest in participating will receive a survey questionnaire. The invitation is intended for companies that: (i) Have expertise in performing searches for state-of-the-art documents, having previously carried out similar activity; (ii)

Have no impediment in contracting with the Public Administration; (iii) Are not technology developers, applicants or holders of patent rights; and (iv) Do not carry out activities of representation of applicants or holders of patent rights.


With the respective measure, the Brazilian PTO  wants to verify the existence of companies capable of offering services for patents anteriority searching, in order to assess the feasibility, opportunity or relevance of this type of service provision.


Author: Bruno Arminio, Associate Lawyer at Peduti Advogados.

Source: Braziian PTO (INPI) invites companies for research on the provision of Patents Anteriority Search Service

“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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