Brazilian PTO publishes Technological Radar on fertilizers - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Brazilian PTO publishes Technological Radar on fertilizers

The Brazilian PTO published, in January 2023, the Technological Radar of Fertilizers, drafted within the scope of the National Fertilizer Plan (PNF), developed by the Interministerial Working Group established by Decree No. 10.605/2021, with the aim of strengthening policies to increase competitiveness in the production and distribution of fertilizers in Brazil, in a sustainable manner.


It is very important to highlight that the Technological Radar it is always drafted by the Division of Studies and Projects of the Brazilian PTO, that analyses the technological information contained in patent documents. The radars focus on the analysis of technologies/sectors listed as priorities by the Brazilian Government and/or partner institutions. Its scope is to present the technological development in Brazil and in the world through the analysis of the patent documents of the technological sector.



The National Fertilizer Plan (PNF) activity plan was divided into two stages: 1) International Benchmarking and 2) Diagnosis of the production chain in Brazil, comprising themes divided into six lines of action: Nitrogen; Phosphor; Potassium; Emerging Chains; Science, Technology and Innovation; and Environmental Sustainability.


In this context, the Brazlian PTO was responsible for conducting studies on technological patent information bases on the fertilizer production chain, more specifically for the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK) chains.


Starting from a sample of 174,000 fertilizer patent documents, two specific types of analysis were performed for fertilizers. With this worldwide analysis, it was possible to present an overview of the state of the art of the technologies in question, showing the volume of inventions on a global level and the main applicants, which reflect the most prominent actors in research and development in the area.


In the national diagnosis, the analysis of patent applications filed in Brazil showed interest in the Brazilian market, as well as technologies with potential use in the country. The study also analyzed the patent applications filed by residents in Brazil, with the aim of identifying the profile of technologies under development in the country and who has the skills to generate innovation in the sector.


The entire content of the study in question can be easily accessed through the federal government website, in the corresponding link.

Author: Bruno Arminio, and Cesar Peduti Filho, Peduti Advogados.

Source: INPI divulga Radar Tecnológico sobre fertilizantes;

INPI divulga Radar Tecnológico sobre fertilizantes

“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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