Brazil grants its first denomination of origin for Erva-Mate - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Brazil grants its first denomination of origin for Erva-Mate

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) recently published the recognition of “Erva-Mate do Planalto Norte Catarinense” as the newest Denomination of Origin (DO) in Brazil. This Denomination of origin includes an area of 20 municipalities in the State of Santa Catarina.

“Erva-mate” is a type of herb commonly consumed in the south of Brazil and the region in the North of the Santa Catarina State is well known for its production. The herb from this region differentiates itself by its higher concentration of caffeine, higher glow, deeper green color and higher level of sweetness, when compared to the herbs produced in the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul.



These characteristics are due to the location that combines the lowest insolation levels in the State, with the shadow made by the Araucária Forest, which maintains a balance of heat and humidity in the soil and air that gives its special characteristics to the herb.

Regarding the human factors, the harvest, trituration and preparation of the “erva-mate” are a result of the influence of several different people who inhabited the region throughout the centuries, dating from the original Indians, to the caboclos and tropeiros.

This denomination of origin elevates the number of geographical indications registered in the BPTO to 99, being 31 denomination of origin and 68 indication of origin. 

Author: Carla Pinheiro Beisiegel, Associate Lawyer at Peduti Advogados.

Source: Planalto Norte Catarinense torna-se a primeira Denominação de Origem para erva-mate

“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”
“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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