Disclosing WhatsApp conversation print should generate compensation - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Disclosing WhatsApp conversation print should generate compensation

In August of this year, in the judgment of Special Appeal nº 1903273, The Superior Court of Justice – STJ, the highest Brazilian court for standardizing the interpretation of federal law all over the country – confirmed the understanding of the disclosing WhatsApp conversation print should generate compensation, which was written by Minister Nancy Andrighi.

The lawsuit was filed by a member of the board a football team who feel harmed in their rights after another member of the club’s governing body who was also in the group have disclosed prints conversation without the consent of the other members of the group.

The understanding expressed in the judgment is based on the principle of inviolability to privacy provided for in article 5, item X, of the Brazilian federal Constitution:



Article 5. All persons are equal before the law, without any distinction whatsoever, Brazilians and foreigners residing in the country being ensured of inviolability of the

right to life, to liberty, to equality, to security and to property, on the following terms:


X – the privacy, private life, honour and image of persons are inviolable, and the right to compensation for property or moral damages resulting from their violation is ensured;

According to the understanding expressed in the judgment, the disclosure of content of this nature without the permission of those involved in the dialogue is likely to be considered an infringement.

The decision reinforces the need for good privacy practices in the use of digital platforms.

Author: Sheila de Souza Rodrigues, Associate Lawyer at Peduti Advogados.

Source: STJN destaca decisão que torna indenizável a divulgação de print de WhatsApp (STJN – the news program of the STJ – highlights that Disclosing WhatsApp conversation print generates duty to indemnify)

“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”
“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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