Enhancing Brazil's Patent Registration Process for Economic Growth - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Enhancing Brazil’s Patent Registration Process for Economic Growth

The federal government of Brazil aims to reduce the current average patent registration time to less than half by 2026. According to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (MDIC), expediting the registration of intellectual properties promotes employment and income, as well as stimulates the adoption of new technologies in the country, which can also be exported.


“Andrea Macera, the Secretary of Competitiveness and Regulatory Policy at MDIC, highlighted the significance of this initiative in light of the substantial number of micro and small businesses in Brazil, which generated nearly 70% of new jobs in the country in 2023. She emphasized the potential for innovation in various productive processes and the creation of numerous inventions and brands within this sector.


Macera stated, ‘This is why we say: It’s about valuing invention and creativity. If this philosophy is correctly disseminated and people are empowered, then there is enormous potential to generate employment and income,’ in an interview with CNN.


According to the Secretary, encouraging patent registration also translates into international investment and stimulates intellectual contributions in poorer communities. ‘You can license these assets, be remunerated for it, and in the case of geographical indications and trademarks, it can boost our exports. This is a gain in competitiveness for the Brazilian industry.’



‘The strategy has precisely this objective: to add value to our products and services and encourage creativity and innovation in the country,’ added Macera.


The proposal mentioned by the Secretary is the 2023-2025 Action Plan of the National Intellectual Property Strategy (ENPI), published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) at the end of October. The goal is to reduce the decision time for patent applications from 6.9 years to three years by July 2025 and to two years by 2026.


There is also a focus on intellectual property as a tool for sustainable development. Planned deliveries include matchmaking in green technologies and capacity-building in the Amazon region, as well as collective trademarks.


Author: Enzo Toyoda Coppola, Cesar Peduti Filho, Peduti Advogados.


Source: https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/economia/tempo-gasto-para-registro-de-patentes-caira-de-sete-para-dois-anos-diz-secretaria-a-cnn/#:~:text=CNN%20%7C%20CNN%20Brasil-,Tempo%20gasto%20para%20registro%20de%20patentes%20cair%C3%A1%20de%20sete,anos%2C%20diz%20secret%C3%A1ria%20%C3%A0%20CNN&text=O%20governo%20federal%20pretende%20diminuir,patentes%20no%20Brasil%20at%C3%A9%202026.



“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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