Rising “Dubbing Movement” in Brazil Calls for Regulation Amid AI Advances - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

Rising “Dubbing Movement” in Brazil Calls for Regulation Amid AI Advances

The “Dublagem Viva” movement (or “Alive Dubbing”) has been gaining traction in Brazil in recent weeks. It’s a campaign advocating for the regulation of technology in the face of artificial intelligence advancements.

An official website explaining the entire process has been launched, and Brazilian voice actors are reinforcing the hashtag #dublagemviva on social media posts urging a preference for skilled human professionals.

“Our interest is not to prohibit any technological evolution; we just want to ensure that what is merely a creative tool is not mistaken for our creator,” states a manifesto from the “Dublagem Viva” campaign.



The United Voices Artists, an organization that brings together various dubbing unions and associations worldwide, launched this global campaign in defense of the profession and the regulation of artificial intelligence in November of last year. It has already gathered over 50,000 signatures in a petition to prevent the replacement of human voice actors by robots.


If you want no know more about the topic of regulation regarding AI, fell free to contact Peduti Advogados associates.



Author: Enzo Toyoda Coppola, Lígia Ferreira Marcondes Rocha and Cesar Peduti Filho,  Peduti Advogados.


Source: https://www.portalintelectual.com.br/dubladores-brasileiros-pedem-regulamentacao-da-inteligencia-artificial/



“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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