The recognition of the Canastra Coffe from Minas Gerais as a Geographical Indication Registration Skip to content

The recognition of the Canastra Coffe from Minas Gerais as a Geographical Indication Registration

The Geographical Indication (G.I) registration is a collective tool developed for the valorization of traditional products from a certain region, with the main function of adding value to the product and protecting the producing region. In Brazil, this subject was introduced on the occasion of the enactment of the Industrial Property Law No. 9,279/96.


In Brazil there are two types of Geographical Indication, the indication of origin (I.O) and the denomination of origin (D.O). In both modalities, protection will fall on the “geographical name”, constituted both by the official name and by the traditional or usual name of a determinable geographical area. The legislation in force does not establish a period of validity for Geographical Indications, so that the period for the use of the right is the same as the existence of the recognized product or service, within the peculiarities of the Indications of Origin and the Denominations of Origin.


In this sense, it is very important to highlight that the Brazilian PTO (BPTO) recognized the registration of a geographical indication of the Denomination of Origin species, for raw, processed, roasted and roasted and ground coffee beans from the Canastra region (MG).


Canastra Coffe from Minas Gerais


The recognition in reference was published in the BPTO Official Gazette No. 2,750 and benefits producers from ten municipalities in Minas Gerais: Medeiros, Bambuí, Doresópolis, Pimenta, Piumhi, Capitão, São João Batista do Glória, Vargem Bonita, São Roque de Minas and Delfinópolis.


With this registration, the Brazilian PTO reaches 117 Geographical Indications, 83 of which are Indications of Origin (all national) and 34 Denominations of Origin (25 national and 9 foreign).


The G.I application in reference before the Brazilian PTO was performed by the association that represents coffee growers in the region in 2022, with support from Sebrae Minas. To support the application, in addition to the technical study, the D.O. Technical Specifications Booklet and local governance were also created, through the strengthening of the producers’ association and the formation of the D.O. Regulatory Council.


Furthermore, the coffee with D.O Canastra must be produced in accordance with the standards and practices for preserving the region’s natural water resources, respecting Legal Reserve and Permanent Preservation areas.


According to the president of the Deliberative Council of Sebrae Minas, Mr. Marcelo de Souza e Silva, achieving this nomination guarantees the quality and authenticity of the coffees produced in the 10 municipalities that make up the Canastra region.


In this sense, this fact not only values local culture and tradition, but also adds value to production, boosts the economic development of the territory and strengthens Canastra’s reputation, thus providing more competitive recognition for Café da Canastra in the market.



Author: Bruno Arminio, Laila Araujo and Cesar Peduti Filho, Peduti Advogados.



“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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