The use of artificial intelligence in illustrations - Peduti Advogados Skip to content

The use of artificial intelligence in illustrations

Recently in Brazil there was a controversy over an important literary prize awarded by the Brazilian Book Chamber, the so-called “Jabuti Prize”.


The case centred on the nomination of Frankenstein, specifically in the “Illustration” category, which included drawings attributed to the designer Vicente Pessôa. However, the work was disqualified because of the use of artificial intelligence in its composition.


The formal reason for the disqualification was stated in an official BBC press release: “The rules of the award state that cases not provided for in the regulations will be considered by the curators, and the assessment of works that use AI in their production was not provided for in those rules”.



“The use of artificial intelligence tools has been the subject of discussion around the world because of the principles of copyright protection. Given the new reality of the progress of these new technologies, the organisation of the prize makes it clear that the use of these new tools will be the subject of discussion for future editions of the prize,” the note reads.


In this sense, although there is no clear legislation on artificial intelligence, as it is a very new topic, there is a general consensus on the need to take measures to prevent acts that infringe the copyright of the parties involved, which is clearly followed by the Brazilian judiciary, for example.


And if the cases go to court to seek accountability and compensation for plagiarism, Peduti Advogados has a specialised team that can help you in this case.



Author: Marília de Oliveira Fogaça, Laila Araujo e Cesar Peduti Filho, Peduti Advogados




“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


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