Peduti Advogados @ INTA2019 Boston, the main event of the intellectual property area. Seeking for the improvement of knowledge and the exchange of experiences in study groups and the straitening of relationships with professionals from all over the world.
“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.” “Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”
The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office – BPTO has recentlypublished a new study about biotechnology patents in Brazil, analysing the deposits in which it was deposited biological material.
The study shows the panorama of the deposits of biotechnology patents in Brazil between 2010 and 2016.
The Biotechnology can be applied, for example, on therapeutic proteins, probiotics, immunologic medicaments, vaccines, plagues control, biofertilization, biofuels, biosensors and plant genetic improvement.
Since it is necessary a description of the patent’s object for the concession of any patent, the depositors of biotechnology patents also need to deposit the biologic material alive at an authorized institution. There are some kinds of biological material able to be deposited, as DNA or protein sequence listing, bacterial strains, yeast strains, fungus strains, protozoal strains and cell lineage.
Fonte: API
During this period, the researchers have found 1.583 deposits of biotechnology patents in Brazil. Among the principal kinds of deposit, from all those biological material deposits, 682 were microorganisms, 386 for medicaments and 332 sub products of fermentation. The five principal depositors were Brazilian universities, being the Federal University of Minas Gerais the top depositor, with 154 deposits, the University of São Paulo the second, with 117 deposits, and the University of Campinas the third, with 71 deposits. Regarding the geographical distribution, the principal region of origin of the deposits is the Southeast Region, with 899 deposits, where are located the three biggest metropolitan areas and the three principal depositors, while the North Region, where the Amazonian forest is located, has only 30 deposits.
It is also important verify that only 2,15 % of the deposits had its biological materials also deposited at International Depositary Authorities, probably as a consequence of the fact that Brazil has not signed the Budapest Treaty yet.
The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure is administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). According the Budapest Treaty, the deposits of biologic material can be made at an authorized international depositary authority, what make easier for the deposit of a biotechnology patent in other country.
The study will certainly help the Brazilian authorities to analyse the need for Brazil to sign the Budapest Treaty.
Lawyer Author of the Comment: Rodrigo Britto de Albergaria Source Headline: “Novo radar tecnológico mapeia patentes de biotecnologia e material biológico”
“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.” “Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”
It is essential to ensure that adherence to the Madrid Protocol does not generate unwanted asymmetries between Brazilians and foreigners, which makes the application of the principle of non-discrimination an objective to be achieved by legislators.
In order to prepare the Brazilian system of registrations for the imminent adhesion, Bill 10.920/18 was drafted, with amendments to Law 9.279 / 96, aiming at maintaining isonomy between nationals and foreigners, without loss of competitiveness.
The main claim of the Bill is the inclusion of rules that will be followed by both Brazilians and foreigners who wish to register a trademark in Brazil. These rules are:
Proof of activity compatible with the application for registration filed through the Protocol;
Possibility of co-ownership of trademarks, which is currently prohibited by INPI;
The possibility of filing in the “multi-class” system, in which a single application can be presented for different market segments;
Publication of the application in Portuguese, for opposition purposes;
Automatic approval of the application for registration if its regular examination is not completed within 18 (eighteen) months of the date of the filing;
Also in requests made through the Protocol, the foreign holder must appoint a prosecutor with powers to receive court summons; and
Need for declaration of use or justification of disuse during the sixth and during the last year of registration.
Currently the Bill is in the Committee on Economic Development, Industry, Commerce and Service, so that, if it deems necessary, amendments to the Project can be submitted before its judgment.
With or without the approval of Bill 10.920/18, adherence to the Madrid Protocol will generate important changes in the trademark registration process in Brazil. And our office will always be available to advise companies that wish to protect their assets in Brazil.
Lawyer Author of the Comment: Vittória Cariatti Lazarini Source Headline: A adoção do Protocolo de Madri e o Projeto de Lei 10.920/18
“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.” “Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”