The use of social media as a dangerous tool for collecting personal data

In the world we live in today, it seems practically impossible to keep up to date and relate to the people around you without providing personal data on online platforms such as social media. This becomes a major alert, especially for the way data is exposed, daily, on worldwide known and used platforms.


Given this scenario, a research called “Hacker Hotspots: The Apps Most Vulnerable to Cybercrime” carried out by TechShielder showed that 80% of the most popular apps collect data from messages of their users. The research also exposed the apps most likely to be hacked, so Facebook occupied the first position, followed by Instagram, and WhatsApp in third.


The way in which the data is exposed is a reflection, above all, of the speed of response that everyday situations require, as well as the way in which certain companies make it difficult to understand how they deal with their users’ personal data.



According to the research above, basic user information such as phone numbers and email addresses is accumulated, as well as confidential information through the use of cookies, technology that allows the installation of files on a user’s device, collecting certain information, including personal data.


The most important thing, however, is to understand that the culture of personal data protection is spreading, albeit slowly, helping everyone to be aware of their rights as citizens who own their personal data. In that regard, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) recently launched, in accordance with the Brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law (“LGPD”), an orientation guide on the use of cookies and personal data protection. The document’s primary objective is to guide on good practices in the use of cookies, thus providing greater transparency for the website and/or application user.


For more information on how to keep your company in compliance with the LGPD, contact Peduti Advogados.


Author: Caroline Muniz, Junior Associate at Peduti Advogados

Source: Report: 80% of popular mobile apps collect data on your messages; Hacker Hotspots: The Apps Most Vulnerable to Cybercrime; ANPD lança guia orientativo “Cookies e Proteção de Dados Pessoais”.


“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


Here’s why Patents aren’t bad for innovation nor a threat to your company

Patents aren’t bad

Recently, Elon Musk made an appearance on CNBC’s “Jay Leno’s Garage” to host a tour around his SpaceX Star base facility in Texas [1]


Besides showing the amazing things Elon and his SpaceX crew have been building for their Mars Mission, when asked by Leno about “regulations and red tapes” regarding his inventions, Musk responded:


“Something that we should be worried about is that the rules and regulations get more and more every year. […] In the past, war has wiped away bad rules and regulations, but also, we prefer not to have war as the means of getting rid of rules and regulations. In the absence of that, what happens is there are more laws and more regulations every single year, and eventually we won’t be able to do anything. […] So, we do need to be cautious about overregulating and having too many rules and regulations basically stopping innovation and actually ultimately limiting the advance of civilization.” [SIC]


Moreover, when asked about the patents over his techniques to build his rockets, Elon said that he and his crew don’t patent things and don’t care about it either, opening source of all his “patents” so that anyone could use them.


Musk finished his statement by saying that “patents are for the weak”, “generally used as a blocking technique” and not actually helping advance things, but “stopping others from following you”. 


It’s not the first time Musk shared his opinion regarding intellectual property rights, specifically patents. In 2014, “in the spirit of the open-source movement, for the advancement of electric vehicle technology” [2], Tesla announced that it would not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wanted to use its technology [3], stating that patents “serve merely to stifle progress, entrench the positions of giant corporations and enrich those in the legal profession, rather than the actual inventors”. 


Without failing to recognize Musk’s successful trajectory, it’s important to respond to some of his statements. 


1. Firstly, it’s important to highlight that a patent is a title of exclusivity of exploitation granted to the holder of the invention – a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem [4] – by the State.

In most countries [5], for an invention to achieve a title of patent, it must go through a rigid process of study by professionals who will examine requirements for novelty (the object under analyses must be different from anything seen before in the market), inventive step (it must also contribute to the advancement of the technique or technology of a new product or new process), and industrial application (it must contain proof of human intellect effort). Without any of these requirements, the title won’t be granted. 


Which means, having a patent under your archive of creations is the same as attesting your ability to create something never seen before in the market with an extent of utility for society. Which cannot be misled as a curse for any business. 


Patents aren’t bad


2. The purpose of an intellectual property system and its protection resides on the promotion of the stock of knowledge available to society, as well as its dissemination and use at the end of the exclusivity period.

About this purpose, the Brazilian IPO makes a good point [6]. In summary, the importance of a patent resides on the empowerment of the patent holder during the period of its validity. Which does not equal as a blockage of use of the invention, but as a form of knowledge over the market, giving the creator the ability to know what markets show interest in its invention, as well as the purpose of its exploitation – which meets Elon’s interests, as he makes some of his creations available to the public to encourage innovation, and by knowing the ones that are using his creations, he will be able to form an even better data to do so. 


3. Besides that, it’s important to highlight that a patent’s protection is not perpetual. Thus, when its validity comes to an end, the information transferred to the database of the IPO system returns to the public domain. This means that the information does not go missing even after years of use. And even though Elon perceives as if his inventions won’t have any use in the future, there are no doubts that they will always carry a lot of useful information, which can be broken into pieces and studied even further [7]


4. The strategy used by Elon and his team does not apply to the common market. Entrepreneurs must have in mind that Elon’s beliefs rely on a market that does not have a considerable competition. 

In this sense, having the control over an invention can be used as a market strategy. Imagine being Steve Jobs and creating the iPhone, while sharing space with companies such as Samsung or Motorola. Perhaps you have on your hand a competitive advantage worth the protection [8]

In the face of all these reasons, it’s not fair or clever to believe that patents are bad for innovation or a threat to your company, especially when viewed through the lens of a more palpable competitive market.


Author: Juliana Kaomy Mikado, Junior Associate at Peduti Advogados.


[1] ELON MUSK SHOWS JAY LENO HIS SPACEX ROCKETS | Jay Leno’s Garage Full Episode. Directed by: Marcia Xinatris. Produced by: Marcia Xinatris. Youtube. 23 de set. de 2022. Duration: 44’26’’. Available at: <> Access on September 28th, 2022.


[2] MUSK, Elon. All Our Patent Are Belong To You. Published on July 12th, 2014. Available at: <> . Access on September 28th, 2022. 


[3] Patent Pledge. In Additional Resources. Published on November 7, 2014. Available at: <>. Access on: September 28th, 2022.


[4] Patents. In. Disponível em: <>. Access on: September 28th, 2022.


[5] To look for more information regarding the countries that contract under the Paris Convention, which rules over industrial property in the widest sense, including patents, trademarks, industrial designs, utility models, service marks, trade names, geographical indications and the repression of unfair competition. Click here:


[6] Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (Brasil).  Patente: da importância e sua proteção: patente de invenção e modelo de utilidade. / Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial; organização: Elizabeth Ferreira da Silva; autores: Elizabeth Ferreira da Silva [et al.]; revisão: Sérgio Bernardo. Rio de Janeiro: INPI, 2021. In free translation: “A patente outorgada pelo estado tem como condição a descrição do invento para que um técnico possa reproduzir a tecnologia ao término da vigência da proteção. A exclusividade do mercado, durante o tempo da vigência, empodera o titular da patente na comercialização do invento e no controle do mercado, de acordo com as suas estratégias. Portanto, o conhecimento tecnológico protegido é passível de troca entre os agentes econômicos. A proteção agrega valor ao estabelecer a exclusividade temporária sobre o conhecimento, impondo limite a sua comercialização, concedendo lhe valor de troca e solicitação de autorização prévia para fins comerciais, apoiados numa relação contratual entre as partes da contratação. Portanto, o contrato é o instrumento para o estabelecimento das condições da exploração do conhecimento protegido. Quando a proteção termina, a informação já revelada, retorna ao domínio público, ou seja, ao acesso de todos à comercialização, sem que seja necessária autorização prévia. O domínio público disponibiliza a sociedade o conhecimento para produção, comercialização e o ingresso de outros agentes econômicos no mercado, o que aumenta à concorrência e dinamiza o ambiente econômico, contribuindo para o crescimento econômico e a geração de empregos.”


[7] Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (Brasil).  Patente: da importância e sua proteção: patente de invenção e modelo de utilidade. / Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial; organização: Elizabeth Ferreira da Silva; autores: Elizabeth Ferreira da Silva [et al.]; revisão: Sérgio Bernardo. Rio de Janeiro: INPI, 2021. “O sistema de patente exige a descrição da invenção de forma a permitir a reprodução do invento tecnológico contribuindo para o aumento do nível do estoque de conhecimento à sociedade, evitando retrabalho e custos associados ao que já foi revelado. Portanto, a busca do conhecimento tecnológico na base de dados de patentes permite acompanhar a evolução tecnológica até as tecnologias mais pioneiras, na fronteira do conhecimento. Como o conhecimento é tornado público, pela publicação do conteúdo depositado nas bases dos Escritórios nacionais ou regionais de depósito, as comunidades acadêmicas- científica e empresarial se beneficiam do conhecimento revelado para promover o avanço das pesquisas e desenvolvimentos na geração de novos conhecimentos, a partir do que há de mais pioneiro no estado da técnica. Portanto, para fins de pesquisa o conhecimento protegido não impede o avanço científico e tecnológico.”


[8] Furthermore, alongside Elon’s opinion, in 2021 an article was published on the Harvard Business Review  exploring ownership engineering strategies, which includes three market approaches: (i) Tolerating Theft (achieve consumers through aspiration and taste); (ii) forgoing ownership (“Being first is often reward enough, even without any additional ownership incentives”); and (iii) leaning into ambiguity (“It’s better to ask for forgiveness, than permission.”). Even though these are strategies followed by big companies as SpaceX, Microsoft and HBO, most inventions depend on a patent’s protection as they are part of a production process, for instance technologies related to sustainable agriculture, since this type of technology affects the final value of the product, but not the product itself. (HELLER, Michael. SALZMAN, James. Elon Musk Doesn’t Care About Patents. Should you? In. Harvard Business Review. Published on March 04th, 2021. Available at: <>. Access on: September 29, 2022.)


VEJA, Nicolas. Elon Musk says ‘patents are for the weak’ as he talks Starship rocket, tours SpaceX Starbase with Jay Leno. In CNBC MAKE IT. Available at:<> Access on September 29, 2022.

FERREIRA, Ademir Antônio. GUIMARÃES, Edilson Rodrigues. CONTADOR, José Celso. Patente como Patente como instrumento competitivo e como fonte de informação tecnológica. Gest. Prod., São Carlos, v. 16, n. 2, p. 209-221, abr.-jun. 2009.


“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”


Brazilian PTO (INPI) searches for potential providers of Anteriority Search services for the purpose of examining patent applications

Brazilian PTO (INPI) searches for potential providers

In its 2021 Action Plan, the Brazilian PTO took as a strategic initiative the pilot project to outsource the anteriorities search, with the justification that this activity, like the model used by the Japanese Patent Office (JPO, for its acronym in English), represents an alternative management tool for controlling the capacity for technical examination of patents, in search of high efficiency in granting rights and maintaining a high level of quality.


The pilot project was carried out as a research project, within the scope of the Industrial Property Development Program (PDPI), and consisted of internally simulating the provision of the search outsourcing service, inspired by the Japanese model, with application and testing according to the proposed procedures for execution, monitoring, evaluation and use of the simulated service.


Therefore, the Brazilian PTO began to research potential companies that provide a anteriority Search service for the purpose of examining patent applications. 


Brazilian PTO (INPI) searches for potential providers


Companies that express interest in participating will receive a survey questionnaire. The invitation is intended for companies that: (i) Have expertise in performing searches for state-of-the-art documents, having previously carried out similar activity; (ii)

Have no impediment in contracting with the Public Administration; (iii) Are not technology developers, applicants or holders of patent rights; and (iv) Do not carry out activities of representation of applicants or holders of patent rights.


With the respective measure, the Brazilian PTO  wants to verify the existence of companies capable of offering services for patents anteriority searching, in order to assess the feasibility, opportunity or relevance of this type of service provision.


Author: Bruno Arminio, Associate Lawyer at Peduti Advogados.

Source: Braziian PTO (INPI) invites companies for research on the provision of Patents Anteriority Search Service

“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

The importance of security measures and the personal data protection in maintaining business

Data leaks, phishing, ransomware, viruses, among other terms, have become recurrent and much talked about in recent years. With the entry into force of the recent Brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709/2018), also called “LGPD”, on September 18 of 2020, attention is focused mainly on the data of individuals and the incidents that may occur involving these data.


There is no precise definition in Brazilian law on what would specifically be a personal data breach. Despite this, there is a great influence of international data protection law, mainly from the European Union. According to article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation, such a breach can be understood as a “a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed”.


As an example, malware can be cited, which is a malicious program, ransomware being one of the best known. It can be understood as a malicious code to hijack data – after infecting a computer, access to a company’s files can be blocked, for example, in order to demand a ransom to release this access. The theme generates great concern because as exposed by “Jornal Hoje”, in the case of the city of São Paulo, cybercrimes recorded in six months of this year exceeded the total of last year. Furthermore, studies revealed that 54% of global organizations assessed admitted that their methods of assessing cyber risks are not sufficiently sophisticated, leaving them vulnerable to potential threats.



With an essentially preventive character, the LGPD determines that “the processing agents shall adopt security, technical and administrative measures that are capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and accidental or unlawful situations of destruction, loss, modification, communication or any other form of inappropriate or unlawful processing.” (Article 46, LGPD). It is therefore understood the importance of implementing security measures by those responsible for processing personal data. The consequences of underestimating the relevance of these measures can be extremely harmful to a company’s business and can result in financial and reputational losses. The security measures will, above all, help in business continuity, that is, not allow its unplanned interruption or, even, ensure its resumption in a timely manner, if necessary.


Finally, it should be noted that those responsible for the processing of personal data undertake to guarantee the information security provided for by the LGPD in relation to personal data, so that if the law is not complied with, such agents are liable to suffer administrative sanctions by the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”), including a fine of up to 50 million reais.


For more information on how to keep your company in compliance with the LGPD, contact Peduti Advogados.

Author: Caroline Muniz, Junior Associate at Peduti Advogados.

Source: Mais da metade das empresas globais enfrentam exposição ao risco cibernético; Why global organisations are struggling to manage cyber risk; Artigo; GDPR.

“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

Intellectual property enforcement policy: what is it and its importance

intellectual property

Protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) is a set of legal tools made available by the legal system. IPR’s sole purpose is to provide effective judicial protection and solve trademark conflicts. Trademark enforcement tools are divided into three different types, which are: infringement actions, nullity proceedings, and extrajudicial resolutions. 

Trademark infringement actions include indemnification and inhibitory clauses. It usually entails an injunction directing the infringer to stop using the trademark material; redress claim for material damage, given the reduced value of a business’ brand and the negative impact on its sales; and claim of indemnity for moral damage, which are presumed once a trademark infringement is proven, categorizing what is called moral damage in re ipsa (REsp 1.327.773 – MG, STJ 4ª Turma, Rel Min. Luís Felipe Salomão, j. 02/15/2018).


intellectual property


The trademark and the alleged “inhibitor” are then analyzed using a certain criteria to identify the likelihood of confusion.  

The procedure of nullity or revocation of a trademark is discussed according to the brand validity pertaining to the legal requirements included in the Law of Industrial Property. As a declaratory judgment, it refers to a proceeding which seeks the nullity of the administrative decision that confirmed the trademark, written by the competent autarchy, the INPI – Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. 

In addition to the harmonization capability of the nullity proceedings, which determines if the brand meets the trademark registration requirements, they also act as procedural defense against the “inhibitor.” The respondent may try to avoid being convicted for material and moral damage through the trademark revocation that it  is actively violating. 

Extrajudicial resolutions, in turn, legitimize the use of the trademark policies enforcement since they strive for an amicable resolution before the trademark petition is filed. They also serve as a procedural advantage should the other party come forward with one of its defense arguments.

Author: Enzo Toyoda Coppola, Junior Associate at Peduti Advogados.


“If you want to learn more about this topic, contact the author or the managing partner, Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”

“Se quiser saber mais sobre este tema, contate o autor ou o Dr. Cesar Peduti Filho.”